Friday, August 31, 2007

Reflective Writings

Today in class we had to set up a blog on the computer that we will use during health. We also had to creat a url and make are oun blogs. I think that the idea of using a blog to teach a class is a very neat idea and it wil be a nice change from the tests and book work that makes school so tedious and boaring but this will add a nice change to the normal accidemic schdual. sence I diont enjoy writing by hand i think that this will be a fun expereance and good way to use tecnology to our advantage. In order to have a blog we needed an email adress and a password to access the blog. It was fun to just play around with the blog functions and color templates.

What is juicing and why would you want to have juicing be part of a healthy lifestyle?
Jucing is a way to give your body exactly what it needs by knowing what each type of food dose for you. jucing is even backed by the American Cancer Society and the Narional Cancer Institute. for years the liquid from the foods was used by healers to help people get back there health as well as increese it. you can increase the average daily intake of all fruits and vegtibuls just by starting the day off with one glass of your own type of juice. Even by drinking a glass of carrot juice or any type of fruit or vegi jucie you can increase your stamina.

9-7-07 Today we warched three vidios on the internet about different juciers like the jack lalane power juicer and the other one. We did this after the health survae we had to do the circle to see how healthy we actually were. We had to check safty drug and alchole use and food choice as well as physical phitness

9-11-07 Today in class we talked about doing all the work on our blogs and also talked about starting up a flicker and delicious account on the web to help bookmark certin thing on the internet so that it was easer to find any information at a different computer. you can also use flicker to save pictures and other types of midia from the internet.

9-13-07 We talked about our next project and how its going to be on the food pyrimid and we had to type in our height and weight and how much phiscial activity we do in a average day. then we get the best posibal food intake for your health. and we also got in groups for a project on the food groups.

9-18-07 today in class we talked with Micha about vitamin C and he looked up coligen and that is a main protine for connective tissue. and he also looked up gout whitch is acid that goes in the cartiledge and makes it vary sore and iritated.

9-20-07 Today coach carter came to talk about orgain doning and he also spoke of the liver and how it was vary important. he talked about how the best way to get orgains is to be brain dead because the blood is stil serculating through the system however if you dye of cartiac death you can only donate your cornia because your blood dosent actually flow throught the cornia.

9-24-07 today we had to do to the computer lab and catch up on all our late work And I did a bunch of reflective writes

9-26-07 Today in class we juced a lot of apples with the new juicer and that was kind of fun.we juiced three types of apples macintosh macolon and cortland. Sarah went in a presentation and did vitamin c and beath also went and did a presentation on vitamin b3 During beth's presentation we had to look up pelegra whitch is a vitamin deficientcy desese caused by the lack of b3 and it caused the fleash of somebody to appear burned.

9-28-07 We did more presentations in class and micha Vitiman c jen vitamin ub-1 and josh b2 went all the presentations were informational and I got alot out of each.

10-2-07 we talked about the seven most commen sexually transmited infections they were Chlamidia, Gopnorrea, syphilis,HIV/AIDS, Genatal herpes,genital warts,Crabs. All can be gottent through sexual contact or skin to skin to skin contact.

ricki did a presentation on cortriseptives. and There are a lot of them.

Today we went to the comp lab and we hd to do research on something tabacco related I had dealing with withdrawal I found that you can help with a withdrawal by doing somthing with your hands or just taking ime to relize the urge is there.

Josh made his brain juice and made a huge mess with everything Then we spent the remainder of class talking about testicular cancer and how you can get rid of it more easly if you catch it sooner and you can also get it treated with ultra sound.

we went to the comp lab and partisapated in a nation wide drug conversation and asked q's and got them anwsered by proffesionals.

today we finished talking about testicular cancer and cervixal cancer.

10-22-07 Today we where playing cards in class and talking about what was writin on them. They said advise for how to quit smoking and also the chemicals in cigereits and also showed how much money you could save by quiting smoking.

10-24-07 Today we presented our tobacco projects to the class and Josh thought that the website was biased and didn't say what they were smoking. And James went and talked about withdrawal And josh taked about the effects of smoking.

10-28-07 Today we watched a movie about dessions tha should be made and took notes on it.

10-30-07 Today we lisened to multipul presentation micha Luke and madison.


Jack Cohun said...

Nice Job!!

Jack Cohun said...

Your relective writes are very sparse. Please go back and fill in the loose ends.

whitcomb said...

Ok done