Friday, August 31, 2007

My projects

9/7/07Vitamin H
Vitamin H, otherwise known as biotin, is essential to normal growth and development and overall health. Bacteria in the intestines produce enough biotin for the body so that most people would not need an additional supplement of vitamin H. However, additional great sources of vitamin H are found in egg yolks, fish, nuts, oatmeal, and beans.
How This Vitamin Works in Your Body:
Essential for release of food energy
Reduces symptoms of zinc deficiency
Functions in protein metabolism
Helps in the formation of fatty acids
Could relieve muscle pain and depression
People who consume large amounts of raw eggs may benefit from this supplement

Where This Vitamin is Found:
Brewers yeast
Brown rice
Bulgur wheat
Calf liver
Cashew nuts
Eggs, cooked
Green peas
Oat bran
Peanut Butter
Split peas

How to Use:
Available as:
Liquid: the best form due to its high bioavailability and fast absorption. Always choose liquid as your first choice when supplementing your diet.
Tablets: available
Recommended Daily Intakes
Men: 30 mcg
Women: 30 mcg
Pregnancy: 30 mcg
Lactation: 35 mcg
Consult your doctor if you have:
No problems should occur.
Over 55:
No problems should occur.
No problems should occur. Keep within the DRI.
No problems should occur. Keep within the DRI.
Heat and/or moisture may alter the vitamin. Refrigeration is recommended.
Symptoms of Deficiency:
Symptoms are incredibly rare. However, if such a deficiency occurs, symptoms may include hair loss, dermatitis, anemia, muscle pain, loss of appetite, lethargy, depression, hallucinations, and lowered immunity.
Signs of Overdose:
Amounts in excess of the manufacturer’s suggested dosage is nontoxic.
Side Effects:
No side effects should occur if taken within the daily recommended amount.
Interacts with : Combined effect
Long term antibiotics (broad spectrum) : May lead to significant biotin deficiency.
Sulfonamides : May lead to significant biotin deficiency.
Alcohol/Tobacco products : Absorption of biotin reduced.

For one of the vegetables I had to choose Asparagus I found that the main wses for asparagus was to help blood presure, Eye problems, kidneys, prostate, skin problems, rheumatism, nurvous system, bowel aid and, Anemia. Asparagus is a good sourse of potassium, vitamin A, Vitamin B-1, vitamin c, choline, and folic acid The best time to buy asparagus is in the season Aprol to june. you want firm but tender asparagus there are also two types of aspara gus thick or thin stememed asparagus. the second vegetable I had to do was beet green. Beet greens are normally used for Anemia circulatory problems kidneys, lymphatic circulation, menophause, tiredness, bladder problems, eye fatigue, liver, menstral problems, skin problems, weightloss problems. Beet green juice is a good sourse of Iron, potassium, vitamin B-6choline, vitamin A, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, calcim. To check of the vegi is in good shape for juicing you want a firm smooth beet dont use soft or brused beats. size dosent matter

Cantalope is a good way to solve the fallowing problems Constapation, kidney problems skin disorders, digestive tonic and bladder problems to see if your melon is fresh you put your finger where the vine was attached and push in slightly and then remove your finger the cantalope should stay round. Iy is vary important that you dont mix with the melon wheil jucing melons taste better when drunk alone. A lot of the melons nutriants come from its rind so you want to juce the rined also. The cantalope includes Vitamin A, B complex, and Vitamin C.

Eat these amounts from each food group daily. This plan is a 3200 calorie food pattern. It is based on average needs for someone like you. (A 17 year old male, 6 feet 1 inches tall, 183 pounds, physically active more than 60 minutes a day.) Your food needs also depend on your rate of growth and other factors. See a health care provider who can track your height and weight over time to identify your specific needs.
10 ounces
4 cups
2.5 cups
3 cups
7 ounces
Click the food groups above to learn more.
1 Make Half Your Grains Whole
Aim for at least 5 ounces of whole grains a day
2 Vary Your Veggies
Aim for this much every week:
Dark Green Vegetables = 3 cups weekly
Orange Vegetables = 2 1/2 cups weekly
Dry Beans & Peas = 3 1/2 cups weekly
Starchy Vegetables = 9 cups weekly
Other Vegetables = 10 cups weekly
Oils & Discretionary Calories
Aim for 11 teaspoons of oils a day
Limit your extras (extra fats & sugars) to 650 Calories
Physical Activity
Physical activity is also important for health. You should get at least 60 minutes of physical activity most or all days. Click here to learn more about physical activity and health.

What's in the Meat & Beans Group? How much is needed? What counts as an ounce?
What foods are included in the meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts (meat & beans) group?

All foods made from meat, poultry, fish, dry beans or peas, eggs, nuts, and seeds are considered part of this group. Dry beans and peas are part of this group as well as the vegetable group. For more information on dry beans and peas click here.
Most meat and poultry choices should be lean or low-fat. Fish, nuts, and seeds contain healthy oils, so choose these foods frequently instead of meat or poultry. (See Why is it important to include fish, nuts, and seeds?)
Some commonly eaten choices in the Meat and Beans group, with selection tips, are:
Lean cuts of:
Game meats:
Lean ground meats:
Lean luncheon meats
Organ meats:

ground chicken and turkey

chicken eggs
duck eggs
Dry beans and peas:
black beans
black-eyed peas
chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
kidney beans
lima beans (mature)
navy beans
pinto beans
soy beans
split peas
tofu (bean curd made from soy beans)
white beans

bean burgers:
garden burgers
veggie burgers

texturized vegetable protein (TVP)

Nuts & seeds*
hazelnuts (filberts)
mixed nuts
peanut butter
pumpkin seeds
sesame seeds
sunflower seeds
Finfish such as:
sea bass
Shellfish such as:
squid (calamari)

Canned fish such as:

*Selection Tips


1) Post in your blog under my projects a copy of your juice recipe. 2) For each vegetable and/or fruit write about what it is traditionally used for in regards to your health and what each ingredient is a good source of for vitamins, minerals, etc. 3) Present your recipe to the class as well as make your juice for the class to share. 4) copy everyone’s juicing project and paste it in your “shared projects area in your blog.

¼ to ½ lime
1 orange
Peel the orange but leave the white membrane to get the bioflavanoids. You can
the peel of the lime. You can also juice the seeds.

Traditionally Used For:
Anemia Blood
Constipation Gout
Indigestion Liver
Lungs Scurvy
Skin Problems Strengthening Blood Vessels
Weight Loss
A Good Source Of:

Calcium Chlorine Copper
Fluorine Iron Manganese
Magnesium Phosphorus Potassium
Silicon Zinc Vitamins B-1, 2, & 6
Vitamin E Vitamin K Bioflavanoids
Biotin Folic Acid Inositol
Freshness Test:

Look for thick skins with good color and good weight.

Citrus fruits, when taken in excess, are known to leech calcium from the body. All citrus fruits add citric acid to the body and so it's a good idea to get some exercise after having a citrus fruit drink.
You should always remove the rind of grapefruits, oranges and tangerines. Remove the rind, but leave the white membrane as the white membrane contains bioflavanoids. The bioflavanoids help the body absorb and use Vitamin C.
The rind of oranges, grapefruits and tangerines must be removed as the rind is difficult for the human body to digest. The rind can subsequently cause rectal problems.

Drink immediately after juicing to ensure you get all of the Vitamin C.

Traditionally Used For:

Anemia Arthritis
Blood Constipation
Gout Indigestion
Skin Problems Scurvy
Weight Loss
A Good Source Of:

Bioflavanoids Vitamin C Potassium
Freshness Test:

Look for limes with smooth skins as they generally have more juice.


Citrus fruits, when taken in excess, are known to leech calcium from the body. All citrus fruits add citric acid to the body and so it's a good idea to get some exercise after having a citrus fruit drink.


Some people peel the skin and some don't. If you peel the skin, make sure you leave some of the white membrane on the fruit. The white membrane contains the bioflavanoids. The bioflavanoids help the body absorb and use Vitamin C.
I personally don't peel the skin and I like to combine ¼ to ½ lime, depending on the size, with a few apples.
Drink immediately after juicing to ensure you get all of the Vitamin C.

Nutrients and health implications:
Although the meat and bean group is key to having a healthy diet, when saturated fat is found in foods such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, and seed there may be a health implication involved. Another common occurrence while eating meats and beans is that people pick their favorites and stick with them. What i mean by this is people only eat say, chicken and beef and dont get their share of fish and nuts. One vitamin that is found in meats and beans is vitamin B. This vitamin helps with red blood cells, plays a big role in our nervous system, and helps build tissues. When you eat foods that have saturated fat, it is extremely bad for you because i causes your cholesterol level to increase.
Tips For making Wise Choices:
When shopping for your meats and beans you should be aware of what you are buying. For example, when buying beef and chicken you should get the healthiest meat, that is raised well and is the "leanest" choice. When buying chicken you should shoot for the chicken without the skin on it for this is one of the fattiest parts of the chicken. Also, when buying beef, you should get the leanest cuts like, round steaks and roasts. Another technique to eat as healthy as you can is to remove all the visible fat from the outside prior to cooking. Last but not least you should broil, grill, and bake your food instead of frying it to eliminate unnecessary fat.
Vegetarian Choices:
Although being a vegetarian can easily reduce the amount of protein you can choose from, it is still very possible to be a vegetarian and still get enough protein. Some meats and beans that you can still eat are, eggs, beans, nut butters, peas, and soy products. One technique that you can use to make sure your body is getting plenty of protein and other key vitamins and minerals is you should base your meals around what you feel your body is lacking. For example if you need protein one night, you should eat some eggs, or peas. If you need some calcium you can drink and soy based shake or just plain drink to get your appropriate amount of calcium.

Nutrients and health implications:
Although the meat and bean group is key to having a healthy diet, when saturated fat is found in foods such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, and seed there may be a health implication involved. Another common occurrence while eating meats and beans is that people pick their favorites and stick with them. What i mean by this is people only eat say, chicken and beef and dont get their share of fish and nuts. One vitamin that is found in meats and beans is vitamin B. This vitamin helps with red blood cells, plays a big role in our nervous system, and helps build tissues. When you eat foods that have saturated fat, it is extremely bad for you because i causes your cholesterol level to increase.
Tips For making Wise Choices:
When shopping for your meats and beans you should be aware of what you are buying. For example, when buying beef and chicken you should get the healthiest meat, that is raised well and is the "leanest" choice. When buying chicken you should shoot for the chicken without the skin on it for this is one of the fattiest parts of the chicken. Also, when buying beef, you should get the leanest cuts like, round steaks and roasts. Another technique to eat as healthy as you can is to remove all the visible fat from the outside prior to cooking. Last but not least you should broil, grill, and bake your food instead of frying it to eliminate unnecessary fat.
Vegetarian Choices:
Although being a vegetarian can easily reduce the amount of protein you can choose from, it is still very possible to be a vegetarian and still get enough protein. Some meats and beans that you can still eat are, eggs, beans, nut butters, peas, and soy products. One technique that you can use to make sure your body is getting plenty of protein and other key vitamins and minerals is you should base your meals around what you feel your body is lacking. For example if you need protein one night, you should eat some eggs, or peas. If you need some calcium you can drink and soy based shake or just plain drink to get your appropriate amount of calcium.


Jack Cohun said...

Vitamin H (Biotin)

Jack Cohun said...

Asparagus,Beet Greens

Jack Cohun said...


Jack Cohun said...

Nice work on your projects.

Jack Cohun said...

Good job on your projects. Please go back and edit the cantaloupe and add the vitamins.

Jack Cohun said...

Juicing Project will be due Friday, 11/9.

Jack Cohun said...

Make sure to do all the FCA's for your juice recipe.

Jack Cohun said...
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whitcomb said...
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whitcomb said...
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